Collection: Monitor Stand

why use aothia monitor stand?

If you often use a computer for work or entertainment, you may have realized that the position and angle of your monitor have a great impact on your health and efficiency. If your monitor is too low, too high or too far, you may experience eye strain, neck and back pain, poor posture or distraction. To avoid these problems, you need a monitor stand that can adjust the height, distance and tilt of your monitor according to your personal needs and preferences. In this blog post, we will introduce the five benefits of Aothia monitor stand, and how it can help you improve your work and life quality.


Aothia monitor stand can improve your visual comfort. Aothia monitor stand is an adjustable monitor stand that allows you to easily raise or lower your monitor to suit your eye level, thereby reducing eye fatigue and dryness.

You can also adjust the distance and tilt of your monitor according to your viewing angle and lighting conditions, to reduce glare and reflection. By using Aothia monitor stand, you can maintain a comfortable viewing distance, avoid eye strain and headache.

Aothia monitor stand can improve your body posture. Aothia monitor stand not only makes your eyes comfortable, but also makes your neck and back comfortable. If your monitor is too low, you may unconsciously lower your head or bend your waist, causing muscle tension and pain in your neck and back.

If your monitor is too high, you may unconsciously raise your head or chest, causing pressure and soreness in your neck and shoulders. By using Aothia monitor stand, you can adjust your monitor to a position that is level with your eyes, thereby maintaining a natural and stretched body posture.

Aothia monitor stand can improve your work efficiency. Aothia monitor stand not only makes your body comfortable, but also makes your brain clear. If your monitor position and angle are not suitable, you may be distracted, unable to focus on your work.

You may often adjust your position, or switch between your monitor and other devices, wasting time and energy. By using Aothia monitor stand, you can adjust your monitor to a suitable position, thereby reducing interference and distraction, improving your attention and creativity.

Aothia monitor stand can save your space and resources. Aothia monitor stand not only makes your brain clear, but also makes your desktop tidy. If your monitor occupies your desktop space, you may feel crowded and messy, unable to effectively organize and manage your work materials.

You may need more desks or cabinets to store your files and devices, increasing your cost and occupying your space. By using Aothia monitor stand, you can hang your monitor above your desktop, freeing up more desktop space, making your work environment more spacious and orderly.

Aothia monitor stand can increase your flexibility and diversity. Aothia monitor stand not only makes your desktop tidy, but also makes your work style diversified. If your monitor is fixed in one position and angle, you may feel bored and tired, unable to adapt to different work scenarios and needs.

You may want to work in different positions and postures, or share and collaborate with others, but your monitor may limit your choices and opportunities. By using Aothia monitor stand, you can easily move and rotate your monitor, to suit your different work modes and preferences. You can switch between standing and sitting, or between horizontal and vertical, or between single and multiple, thereby increasing your flexibility and diversity.
