Collection: Door Mats

How-to Remove Creases from an Area Rug

First the disclaimer…the MOST important part of this tutorial is that you must NEVER place an iron directly on a rug or carpet…EVER.

If the rug contains any synthetic material it will melt and permanently mark the rug.

Even if it is a natural rug like sea grass or wool an iron may scorch the rug.

ALWAYS use a white towel to prevent dye transfer during the ironing process. 

INSTRUCTIONS (All textiles natural or man made

1. Fill iron with water. Pre-heat to highest setting with steam on high.

2. Place white towel onto rug, while applying pressure, iron directly over towel. Iron the full area of the rug.

3. For more stubborn creases and wrinkles, apply additional pressure, and hold iron over those areas for up to 10 seconds along each section.

4. Once all wrinkles and creases are removed, vacuum the rug to fluff up the pile if it is tufted.


  • Use a WHITE TOWEL to avoid any dye transfer through the heat and steam process.
  • NEVER iron the rug without a towel in place.
  • For stubborn wrinkles, dampen the towel slightly. I didn't do this to protect my hardwood floor.


Now doesn’t that look easy? It really did only take 10 minutes and it was totally worth the effort.
